Maple Leaf Bicycle Tour Sponsorship

The financial support of tour sponsors has a significant impact on our efforts to host a successful one day bike event, the proceeds of which go towards improving the multi-use trail system in the 4 states region. Our Tour Sponsorship program is designed to spotlight these key supporters.

Businesses and corporations that believe in our mission to create a healthier more vibrant community through an expanded trail network are invited to become Tour Sponsors.

To become a Maple Leaf Bicycle Tour Sponsor or to discuss other partnership opportunities, please contact Bob Herbst at or (417) 793-9384. Thank you!

View our 2024 Maple Leaf Bicycle Tour Sponsors

Benefits of Tour Sponsorship vary by level, as shown below and in this overview document.

$100 Silver Level

  • Your company name on our t shirt
  • Link to your website on our web page
  • Recognition on social media (Facebook, Instagram)

$250 Gold Level

  • Medium sized logo on our t-shirt, our web page and social media
  • Announcement of your sponsorship on the day of our event

$500 Platinum Level

  • Large sized logo on our t-shirt, our web page and social media
  • Sponsorship testimonial with photo on our web page
Sponsorship Level